Sample Pack Himalayan Black Dragon Looseleaf Tea - Nepal

Sample Pack Himalayan Black Dragon Looseleaf Tea - Nepal

Regular price $7.99 Sale

Grown in Ilam, Nepal at an elevation of 5,000 feet, this oolong tea combines the best of both green and black tea. The mature leaves are hand-plucked and then withered in sunlight, spread on bamboo mesh trays. They are then heated to stop oxidation at 45 percent. Afterward, the leaves are rolled and separated into a unique ball shape. The finished product results in high floral notes with a hint of grapes. Himalayan Black Dragon is grown organically, but it is not yet certified. Brewing instructions Amount: 1 teaspoon of loose tea per cup of water Temperature: 190 degrees - 200 degrees (Small bubbles and a moderate amount of steam) Steep time: 3 minutes